Fr. John Dakes
Deacon Ron Burns
Jimmie Gorski
John Hanrahan
Conor McGirr (youth member)
Ray O'Toole
Barb Oursler
Kyle Pellegrino
Justin Poissant (youth member)
Aubrey Zerega (youth member)
Octobe 2019
Father opened the meeting with prayer and the introduction of new Members, Conor McGirr (HS rep.), Jimmie Gorski and John Hanrahan. Two other new members, Kyle Pelligrino and Aubrey Zerehga(Spelling) (HS Rep) were unable to attend the meeting. Guidelines for a Parish Pastoral Council from the Washington Diocese were given to new members. It will outline our role and purpose in the Parish. Also distributed were the Parish Mission Statement created by the council. Father then reviewed the activities for the 25th Anniversary celebration and distributed a magnet highlighting the events. The magnet will be given to all families in the Parish. He also shared the Anniversary prayer and showed the commemorative ornament that Lisette Fortunado is making and selling for the anniversary. He solicited feedback on last weeks Parish picnic and outdoor Mass. It was felt that the turnout was good and it was a beautiful event. Father also distributed a book titled, “The Liturgy: The Source and Summit of our Christian Life”. He asked the council read it, review the questions at the end of each chapter and be prepared to discuss the first two chapters at our next meeting in November.
June 13, 2019
The April meeting minutes were reviewed and approved with minor changes reflected on the minutes.
The Pastor’s report:
The 25th Anniversary committee will meet 6/19. Father asked if the council had any suggestions for the committee. Several were mentioned and recorded to share with the committee.
This year is the JDW Knights of Columbus 10th Anniversary. They have done many wonderful church and community activities and are very active and visible. We commend them for their service to JDW.
There will be no changes to the summer Mass schedule. Father received a lackluster response from the staff, PPC and Finance committee from whom he solicited feedback.
There is a new Parish Respect Life Coordinator, Bonnie Connor. She will have her first ministry meeting this week.
The CHA (Cardinal Hickey Academy) 2nd collection happened last month. The next one will be in the fall.
Fall Ministry Fair:
The annual ministry fair will occur this fall. It been discussed to focus on the liturgy, or worship to encourage parishioners to get involved. Every person has an active role of participation in the Mass. It is hoped the Ministry fair will encourage them to act. A spring ministry fair will occur for the other ministries.
Social Justice initiatives
The two programs offered during Lent did not occur due to low numbers. It is our intent to offer them in the fall and spring. October is National Domestic Violence month so hopefully it can be scheduled then. The Immigration seminar would probably be offered in the spring.
There were no ministry reports.
PPC Term Renewals and Application Discernment.
Very few applications have been submitted. It was decided to have a council member speak at the Masses this weekend to encourage participation.
Meeting dates for next year were presented.
The next meeting will be held on Sept.12.
The meeting was adjourned with a prayer.
PPC Meeting, April 2019
Previous meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
Pastors report included information about new Archbishop of DC, Wilton Gregory. Also Lenten plans with Triduum Worship aids, Postcards with the Holy Week schedule that will be mailed to registered parishioners homes, and the Blessing of the Easter foods.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Fish Fry on 4/12. Also they are responsible for the lovely wooden cabinets and shelves outside of Doran Hall. They have also created and will install a granite memorial to the Unborn. It will be located near the outside statue of Mary.
First Communion will take place on May 4th. We have 29 children. The May Crowning of Mary will occur the next day after the 10:00 Mass. Confirmation is scheduled for May 9th
The bi-annual Special Needs Mass will occur on May 12th at the 10:00 Mass.
Rose, from project PeaceCycle in Haiti will be visiting us on Sunday, May 19th and will be talking after Masses in Doran Hall.
We will be doing a second collection for Cardinal Hickey Academy on May 19th. We will do two special collections for them this year as their capacity is down and income is low.
The church will be collecting gift cards for the victims of the Chesapeake Beach townhome fires.
To date 22 people have registered for the 25th Anniversary Pilgrimage to France, Portugal and Spain.
There are two special social justice initiatives offered this Lent. One is on Immigration and refugees the other is on Domestic Violence. Both have been coordinated through Catholic Charities. Watch the bulletin for more information.
Father threw out to the PPC the idea of having less Masses on Sunday during the summer. He stated there are shortages of people with vacations (lector’s, altar servers, EMHC). He will look into what other area churches are doing.
Lastly a review was done of council members terms of service. We need at least two more members and two high school student representatives. Applications will be available for parishioners to complete if they would like to serve on the council The council and Father will interview the candidates.
There were no ministry reports.
The meeting was adjourned with a prayer.
Next meeting will be June 13th.
February 2019
After the opening prayer, Father announced the parish raised $35,980 which will build almost 6 homes in Haiti. The findings of the Cathedral corporation regarding the Offeratory renewal campaign were discussed. The new parishioner reception is scheduled for March 3rd. The Annual Archdiocesan Appeal will begin this weekend, 2/16. It is the 50th anniversary of the Appeal.
It will be a busy Lenten season at JDW with the theme of “Lord, help me to see.” There will be days of Reflection on social justice issues and a three evening Parish Mission. Lenten packets with all the information on activities and materials to enrich Lent will be distributed after all Masses on 3/9-10.
We will be hosting Safe nights again this year. Simple supper and Stations of the cross will be held on Fridays during Lent. Our Lenten almsgiving will benefit the convent at St. Teresa of Calcutta in Mahonoy City. The Lenten food drive to benefit our local food pantries will run from 3/24-31.
There were no new reports from our parish ministries. The next meeting will be held Thursday 4/11 at 7:00.
June 2016
Selection of the 2016-2017 Parish Pastoral Council (published on the June 12, 2016 bulletin)
Reviewed feedback from Parish Survey Results – Indicators of Vitality
2016-2017 PPC meetings will be announced.
May 2016
Reviewed the Parish Survey Results – Indicators of Vitality
Reviewed the incoming Parish Council Applications
The meeting in April was cancelled as Fr. John and the parish council await the completion of the parish survey.
The next PPC meeting is on June 7, 2016.
March 2016
Approved the Parish Town Hall Meeting Agenda and Format
Approved the New Parish Council Member Nomination Process
February 2016
Reviewed Indicators of Vitality Survey Questionaire
2016 Timeline: Spring-Survey, Summer-Goals, Fall-Parish Vision Plan
January 2016
Indicators of Vitality Survey and milestone activities for 3-year parish vision plan will be developed
Parish Town Hall Meeting on March 17, 2016
Nominations for new parish council members will soon be open
November 2015
Representatives from the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center presented the 2013 Archdiocesan Parish Pastoral Council policy and implementation guide
Fr. John proposed to council members to study the “Indicators of Vitality and the New Evangelization” for the next meeting in January
October 2015
The history of the parish council was discussed
Fr. John proposed three main ideas to develop the goals for the parish:
a) Create a 3-year plan
b) Define and put processes in place
c) Make sure it is parish-wide, with all areas of inclusion